Research Essay: Jurassic Park

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RESEARCH ESSAY Offer an argument about how Jurassic Park represents or challenges the traditional dichotomy between science and morality. These concepts are sometimes set in opposition to each other during periods of substantial social or intellectual change; does Jurassic Park suggest that science and morality are incompatible/in opposition or does it do something else with them? Is the novel really focused on these two concepts as the central theme, or are they secondary to some other major theme (if so, what theme is central)? Be sure to provide textual evidence to support your analysis. “Jurassic Park” is a novel written by Michael Crichton which delves into the matter of dinosaurs and their cloning in the present day by a slightly eccentric and fanatical man, John Hammond and his company, InGen, and his crew of workers. This novel, which was later made into a movie, portrays the traditional dichotomy that exists between science and morality and while there is no consistent agreement or disagreement with this dichotomy in the novel, it does provide an opportunity to its readers to create an opinion with regard to this theme. Hammond is portrayed to be a dinosaur fanatic right from the beginning of the novel. While it may to be explicitly stated by Crichton through the narrative or through dialogue, this is implied throughout the novel. One sees the conflict between morality and implementation of science from the initial stage where many people express their disapproval and apprehension regarding Hammond’s idea to build a park which would be different from others wherein it would contain real dinosaurs which had been extinct for millions of years till then. One of the most important parts of the novel that resonate Hammond’s careless and short-sighted nature about this plan is reflected in the chapter, Bungalow in the dialogue that occurs between Dr.

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