Republicans And Their Fear By Thomas Jefferson Analysis

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Austin Trease Ed Carroll History 135 2 pg. Essay 10/7/11 Republicans and Their Fears Jeffersonians, or in other words, people who followed Jefferson and believed in his way of doing things, were very critical of how America was to socially develop in the 1800s. There is a plethora of topics in the beginning of the essay that points towards Republican resistance to corporations, making company jobs a necessity, and eliminating traditional jobs in America. During the 1800s and the revolution that took place at that time, social changes were starting to be noticed – and not for good reason. Corporations and big companies started to take over small towns, old jobs such as farming and fishing took a back seat to newer, higher-paying company jobs. Corporation and large company owners started to make these jobs a necessity of communities, forever changing the face of the Republic, and corrupting America as the citizens knew it. The author strongly encourages the ideas and qualities of the Jeffersonian beliefs, he pushes for the reader to understand - in very big, intelligent words – that during the social revolution of the 1800’s, corruption was taking over American cities…show more content…
Yes, I said we face the same problems. Even 200 years later Americans are still growing and developing into more modernized societies. There are still critics that blame computers for taking away the “Honest Living”, there are still people that blame modern technology for the problems we are facing overseas with oil and the war alike. In my opinion, this will never change, you cant go from one way of life to another without stragglers that are too proud to give up their old ways to new, possibly corrupt ideas and ways of life. The Jeffersonians stood for what they thought was right and in my opinion, kicked ass with their thoughts and opinions towards
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