Antitrust Laws

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The four major pieces of legislation known as the Antitrust Laws are: The Sherman Act of 1890, The Clayton Act of 1914, the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914, and the Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950. These were actions taken by government after World War I. After the war, companies were becoming monopolies. The word “trust” was a word to describe these monopolistic companies that were buying up smaller businesses, making it hard to enter certain industries as a competitor, and charging high prices. Due to backlash from economists, farmers, labor unions and consumers, the Antitrust Laws were established. Violation of these laws could result in companies being dissolved, fines, imprisonment, and injured parties could sue for up to triple…show more content…
They make their own prices, which would in most cases be more of a benefit to the producer. Both structures make it very difficult for others to enter the industry, limiting and sometimes blocking entry and competition. Industrial Regulation seeks to prevent unfair practices of restricting market entry, opening markets up for competition. Ideally, prices with regulate themselves in a fair competition, preventing one or a few companies from setting the prices that would be deemed as inappropriate. It also works to prevent the practices of unfair pricing and charging higher prices to consumers while the companies produce less product, limiting choices for consumers. It also regulates…show more content…
They have jurisdiction over utilities, like electricity, water and telecommunications. As an independent agency inside the US Department of Energy, The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is able to monitor and regulate companies in the electrical, gas, oil and hydroelectric industries. They are also able to issue licenses for hydroelectric projects. Under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the FERC was also given authority to issue fines to companies that were in violation of market laws and FERC regulations. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is also an independent agency, and it is overseen by Congress. The FCC issues regulations that ensure an open market and fair competition. The FCC was given authority to issue fines and citations, as well as revoke licenses to companies that violate

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