Repatriation Problems in Ihrm

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International Human Resource Management Problems 1. Organizational responses 2. Devaluation of international experience 3. Social considerations 4. Effect on partner’s career Causes 1. Organizational responses No formal repatriation program was in place to help expatriates readjust on return to their home country. 2. Devaluation of international experience Upon returning Mohammed was given his old job despite the 5 years’ worth of experience he had gained as an expatriate in Columbia. This is known as negative career progression and can demotivate as frustrate a returning expatriate as was displayed by Rahji Mohammed. 3. Social considerations This refers to a variety of social issues but in this case it speaks more specifically to the wife of Mohammed and his children. Both the mother and the children are having a hard time readjusting to the somewhat subtle lifestyle in India. Due to the extended period of time for which they were away, all three have experienced some form of cultural erasure since they had been exposed to the Columbian culture for such a long time. Lack of communication and visits to their home country can cause this. 4. Effect on partner’s career Marina was having a hard time finding a job in India upon return due to how long she was away for without teaching. She was also not too excited about finding one since it would mean spending time away from her family. This problem is also a result of lack of home visits while away as an expatriate. Alternative Solutions 1. Organizational responses * Construct a formal repatriation program for expatriates to prevent any complications. 2. Devaluation of international experience * Ensure that there are work related information exchanges in the expatriate program to keep employees informed about what is taking place at home. * Construct a network
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