Religion In Kogi's From The Heart Of The World

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The Kogi people of Columbia are the last surviving and intact pre-Columbian civilization. They have a very unique religious world view. Their religion is present in everything that they say do and more than likely even think. Their environment in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is one of the most diverse places on the planet, in which lowlands, frozen mountain peaks, lush forests, and even deserts all exist within very short distances of one another. It is no wonder that they call the place in which they live ‘The Heart of the World.’ It would be easy to reach this conclusion with such a large amount of diversity. They worship a being known to them as ‘The Great Mother.’ She is the one that gave birth to our world in their theology and she…show more content…
He is then made to chew a coca leaf which numbs his mouth and powdered lime from the stick that will activate chemicals in the coca. Not only do the Kogi think this helps you remain healthy, but that it also helps you to think clearer which is something as ‘earth stewards’ is very important to their culture, when they then take the boy into the ‘World House’ for the first time in this place he will not be able to eat or sleep for four days, and he receives the Elders teachings, a man comes and explains to him that he “Mustn’t cut a banana tree because they are like your father or your mother, you have to respect them as much as any person.” “You shouldn’t cut down any tree because they are a living thing and they hurt to.” Their message to us the ‘Younger brothers ‘is very simple, that we need to change our ways, because we are destroying the environment we live in and that ‘we are violating fundamental principles repeatedly and totally. With all of the science we process I cannot disagree with this religious

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