Reflective Writing Essay

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The purpose of this essay is to reflect upon an aspect of my professional development during my first placement. It will be written in the first person and confidentiality has been maintained along with all names being changed to protect the identities of individuals. I have decided to reflect upon the development of my confidence and practical skills, during the case of a stroke patient I treated over a period of time. To help structure my writing, I will be using the Gibbs (1988) model of reflection. This model supports “reflection on action”, allowing me to think retrospectively and systematically analyse each phase of the experience. The last phase then allows me to plan a course of action if I were to ever come across a similar situation. I was on my first placement on a stroke rehabilitation unit at a hospital in the Northwest of England. My clinical educator (C.E.) was teaching me about common secondary complications patients suffer from after a stroke that results in severe weakness on one side. The patient, “Mr A”, had experienced a right side ischemic stroke, resulting in severe weakness of both left upper and lower limbs and disphagia. At the time, Mr A was resting with a number of IV drips attached, an oxygen mask and a nasogastric tube inserted to provide nutrition. Mr A’s oxygen saturation (Sp02) had been low and respiratory physiotherapy had been requested. After being taught the “ABCDE” assessment tool, I was asked to perform it with supervision. However, due to hesitation, my C.E. prompted me towards the right answers. Mr A had crackles in most areas of the lungs indicating secretions and no breathing sounds in his left basal segment. Our objective was to clear the secretions, however, Mr A was only responsive to pain and would therefore be unable to follow the breathing commands of ACBT to remove secretions. Initial treatment was the use of “the

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