Re-Read Act 2 Scene 5 from P.72 to P.78. Discuss How Stoppard Presents the Relationship Between Past and Present in This Extract and in at Least One Other Point in the Play.

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Re-read Act 2 Scene 5 from p.72 to p.78. Discuss how Stoppard presents the relationship between past and present in this extract and in at least one other point in the play. In his 1993 play of ideas Arcadia, Stoppard presents the relationship between past and present to the audience through the idea of the pursuit of knowledge, discussion of the chaos theory and the criticism of academics. Stoppard exploits his play’s constant shifting between the past and the present in order to express humanity’s constant pursuit of knowledge, using the passage as an opportunity to criticise academics, the academic in question being Bernard. The scene begins with him explaining his theory to Valentine, Chloë and Gus. Bernard appears arrogant whilst discussing his theory using language such as “undoubtedly” to support his weak claim. Stage directions present him as domineering and almost aggressive, he’s described as “(…pacing around…)”, an animalistic description. This adds a comical effect to the play because due to the time shifts in previous scenes, we know Bernard is setting himself up for failure and embarrassment. Stoppard further explores the idea of there being a universal pursuit for knowledge in scene 7 when studious characters Hannah and Septimus are on stage at the same time, by this it’s possible Stoppard is trying to express that those who are constantly seeking an answer miss out - Septimus is the hermit Hannah spent so much time looking for. In this extract, Stoppard demonstrates to us that the past and the present are inexplicably linked. This is conveyed to the audience through the nature of the play’s set – the schoolroom. The play’s set never changes and no props are removed, as expressed in stage directions “(…The objects on the table now include two geometrical solids, pyramid and cone…)”. Objects from 1809/13 are present in scenes with the 1993

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