Ramp Digging Essay

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Ramp Digging In the spring of every year, my hobby is ramp digging. I enjoy digging ramps pre-season when there is just the tuber and no leaves. I think they are much tastier without the leaves. Ramps are harder to find when they have no leaves on. One must hunt for them by the old stalk from the previous year. Ramps generally have leaves on them mid-March to mid-April depending on the weather. After the leaves pop through the ground, they are generally found in abundance. Ramps or Alliium tricoccum [Latin and Greek names are always in italics. Also, try to avoid parentheses when possible, and where did you find the Latin name? Be sure to include this in the “References” at the end. To cite the source of the Latin name, you will do a simple (author_lastname, date) in parentheses which is why they should be avoided :) ] or wild leeks are the stinky springtime treasure of the Appalachian region–the white parts can be used in cooking similar to a strong onion or garlic, and the leafy greens are just as edible. Most people enjoy them fried in bacon grease by themselves or chopped and fried in with potatoes and eggs. I personally enjoy them fried in bacon grease. They can also be eaten raw like an onion however; they are more potent in raw form. They do live up to their nickname “Little Stinkers”. [no apostrophe in “Stinkers”] Once eaten prepare for your breath to stink something horrible for a few days. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2009/05/ramps-the-true-sign-of-spring/17177/ Items to bring with you ramp digging · At least 2 or 3 ramp digging hoes · A pair of sturdy gloves · A 5 gallon bucket or several mesh bags · Bring something to eat and drink (It is going to be a long day)! · Bring a few friends to help you dig them References Schneider, S. (2009, May 7). Ramps: the true sign of spring. Retrieved on February 10,

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