Ramilya Essay

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1. A patient with acute shortness of breath is admitted to the hospital. Which action should the nurse take during the initial assessment of the patient? A) Complete a full physical examination to determine the systemic effect of the respiratory distress. B) Obtain a comprehensive health history to determine the extent of any prior respiratory problems. C) Delay the physical assessment and ask family members about any history of respiratory problems. D) Perform a respiratory system assessment and ask specific questions about this episode of respiratory distress. Feedback: CORRECT When a patient has severe respiratory distress, only information pertinent to the current episode is obtained, and a more thorough assessment is deferred until later. Obtaining a comprehensive health history or full physical examination is unnecessary until the acute distress has resolved. A focused physical assessment should be done rapidly to help determine the cause of the distress and suggest treatment. Although family members may know about the patient’s history of medical problems, the patient is the best informant for these data. 2. When preparing the patient with a right-sided pleural effusion for a thoracentesis, how will the nurse position the patient? A) Supine with the head of the bed elevated 45 degrees B) In the Trendelenburg position with both arms extended C) On the left side with the right arm extended above the head D) Sitting upright with the arms supported on an over bed table Feedback: CORRECT The upright position with the arms supported increases lung expansion, allows fluid to collect at the lung bases, and expands the intercostal space so that access to the pleural space is easier. The other positions would increase the work of breathing for the patient and make it more difficult for the health care provider performing the thoracentesis. 3. A

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