Ralph's Power In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies Major Course English (Heil) - Summer 2005 Ralph Ralph is the oldest boys in the group landed on the island. He is twelve years and a few months old. As his father is a commander in the Navy, Ralph has learned swimming at the age of five (p.12, l.1), and is one of the best swimmers. Ralph’s position throughout the novel develops: At the beginning, he is the most powerful and influential one of the boys because he is more attractive than Piggy and, in contrast to Jack, has got the conch. However, his authority is soon jeopardized. Jack is not in favour of a democratic society and uses the increasing deterioration to strengthen his own power. Ralph’s loss of power is accelerated by the fact that he cannot take care of the…show more content…
Finally his ability to tell people what they want to hear allows him to topple Ralph as chief. In the course of events Jack is responsible for the deaths of two boys. One is killed because he and his enfuriated tribe members cannot see clearly anymore. They cannot see Simon coming out from the forest, but an enemy who they think they must kill. The second murder he also allows to happen. And he does not punish Roger who killed Piggy. It seems that it is an advantage for him that Piggy is dead and that Ralph is alone now. Jack has only one aim: to be chief. First he is the leader of the hunters, but that is not enough for him. Then he builds up his own group, but Ralph’s being chief still tortures him. His hatred towards Ralph goes so far that he seems to be afraid of him. The only “solution” for Jack to free himself is to kill Ralph. This final plan shows a grave lack of humanity and character in…show more content…
Piggy short and overweight, wears glasses represents order and democracy tries very hard to cling to civilization, and tries his best to keep peace smartest boy on the island, but he lacks any social skills - has trouble communicating or fitting in with the others – represent science and thought His glasses are a very important part of the book, as they are used over and over to start fires. Piggy's constant polishing of them shows his desire for clear-sightedness and civilization. * 11. Jack about Ralph's age, a skinnier build and red hair emotions of anger and savagery. At first, he is the leader of his choir group, who become hunters as the book progresses. He eventually overtakes Ralph as chief/leader. Wears a cape with a snake clasp - evil * 12. Simon younger than the three previous boys, but older than other littluns He is very good and pure, and has the most positive outlook Simon often travels into his tranquil spot in the jungle, but also tries to help out when it is needed. Meditates – likes nature; has a spiritual; goodness He meets up with a pig's head skewered on a stick which leads him to an epileptic
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