Racial Prejudice In Sports

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Doan Nguyen Patrick Green English 101 22 November 2014 Racism and Stereotyping on Campus: Experiences of African American Male Student Athletes Studies of racism have brought forth a wealth of evidence to support the existence of racial discrimination in athletics. It is difficult to discuss any area of athletics without noting the variable race. An illusion that sports are free from racism may be interpreted from current player statistics; however on closer examination racism is evident. (Krystal, "Racism" par. 1)Reported cases of racially charged occurrences continue on college campuses. With "blackface" party incidents and "Noose" hangings making news at numerous universities all over the country, African American students at predominantly…show more content…
It might have more pro Puerto Rican players but plenty of other races play. Japan has a huge league where a couple Pro Pitchers transferred to the MLB. With very a good ERA and are also great batters. Baseball is said to be America's past time as it was made in America and is mainly popularly played. Sometimes the race card is pulled a lot through out the mainstream media. Most of the racism comes from stereotyping in all sports, as in African Americans are better at sports than other races. Very few people don't point it out and the ones who do mainly try to make a huge deal about it. Jackie Robinson went through a lot as he was the first African American to play baseball. Always got into fights with guys calling him racial slurs, and wasn't welcomed by his own team. The cause of racism is kids following their parents lead into stereotypes. Scholarship exploring for African Americans is a predominant thing on white campuses. For the purposes of this study, high profile conceptualized as Division I athletes in revenue generating sports such as men's basketball and football. College Sports and sports history in general seems to be filled with stories and images of cultural pluralism, fairness, Racial Harmony, and color-blindness (Hylton, 2009) (Krstyal, Par.…show more content…
It is entirely evident that the U.S. still suffers from some traces of racism, but surprisingly, a big majority of these cases come from the African-American communities. While many people hold the opinion that the African-Americans are the ones that are always on the receiving end, new polls reveal that they are the ones who show more racist behavior than the whites. (Dr.Jones, par. 1) African Americans have started more racial trouble than White People. The tragic that they'd be racist towards others and start more racist stereotypes upon themselves as if white people started the problem do to a racism poll. Racism comes in the form of ethnic cleansing, hate groups, discrimination and restraint of equal rights. Over the last decade the media has become one of the major contributors of racism in the 21st century. The media have displayed labels on people of color from high- profile crime shows such as Law and Order and CSI, and lately from the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin trial. With the 9/11 attacks on America new racial views and violence began to surface targeting Arabs and people of Middle East descent. (Alton, par. 1) Racism on Campus and Racism towards African American Athletes has a history through the decades. It's come a long way but is still a big deal in today's era. No matter what the color of your skin is, there will be plenty of

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