Rachel Louise Carson Research Paper

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Rachel Louise Carson Life Begins Rachel Louise Carson was born on May 27, 1907 in Springfield, Pennsylvania, where she lived with her family. Her family was very poor, and she had two older siblings with which she shared a room. She was very interested in nature, which she claimed to have learned from her mother. She also loved to write. In fact, when she was ten years old, she wrote a story called St. Nick, that was published in a kid’s magazine. From then on, each month until she was twelve years old, she wrote a short story for the magazine. When Rachel graduated from high school, she was accepted to Pennsylvania’s College for Women, which is now Chatham College. She graduated from there…show more content…
In 1941, she wrote Under the Sea-Wind. Then ten years later she wrote The Sea Around Us. Rachel’s book, The Edge of the Sea, was completed in 1955. Around 1960, both her mother and her sister died. She took in her sister’s daughters and went ahead and finished her most famous book, The Silent Spring, which was published in 1962. Her last book was The Sense of Wonder which was released in 1965, the year after her death. She also warned the United States government about misusing pesticides in her book. Because President Kennedy heard the warning in The Silent Spring, he called a committee together to examine the effects of pesticides. Rachel Carson got them to see the light and in 1972, the EPA banned the pesticide DDT. The Ending Rachel Carson died in Silver Spring, Maryland on April 14, 1964 from bone cancer. She had known about her cancer beforehand and she was calm about it. She was only 56 years old when she died. The New York Times wrote a whole story on her life and her achievements. The following is a section of the obituary: Rachel Carson, the biologist and writer on nature and science, whose book "Silent Spring" touched off a major ontroversy on the effects of pesticides, died yesterday in her home in Silver

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