Race And Equality As Compared To The Criminal Justice System

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Race and Equality as compared to the Criminal Justice System Whether one would like to admit it or not, I think race still plays a major factor in most all decision making especially when it comes to the criminal justice system. This goes for all races not just white and black. Police agencies like to get certain information form a suspect at the time of arrest. They obtain this information for many different reasons. First and for most, to be able to identify the suspect and be able to contact them for further information or hearing information we must obtain their personal information. The other reason police get certain specific information form suspects is for statistical purposes. They use the FBI’s uniform crime report to form probabilities of which races were most likely to commit which crimes, where are they going to commit those crimes and what time of day will they possible commit them. The problem with race when determining guilt or innocence or whether to adjudicate a juvenile is that no matter what the crime when it comes to minorities most feel they are treated unfairly. They think that they system has it in for them and is biased to their ethnicity. That is just one end of the spectrum then we have the people who feel they are being treated no matter what the race. However the people who argue that the system is fair regardless make the comment that its sad to say but the minorities are the ones who are causing the most havoc. They do point out that a main reason for this is the socioeconomic status of a lot of minorities in the United States. They are having a hard time just getting by because they are living in poverty, unemployment, dysfunctional family life and no structure to their everyday life. These types of challenges make it hard for a juvenile to make it by breathing let alone functioning normally. All they are taught is
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