Quindlen Commencement Speech Summary

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Commencement Speech Quindlen Summary 1. Quindlen feels that she is no different from any random person she has passed by. 2. Before college, Quindlen tried to be perfect. 3. Striving to be perfect is hard because there will always be people that are better than you. 4. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. 5. Nothing great can be achieved through replications of others. 6. Don’t care about what others think of you; do what you want. 7. Start anew and do things to better yourself. 8. Listen to your own desires and forge your own path. 9. Success is based on one’s own different desires. 10. No one is the same, so no one should be confined to one set of rules. 11. Following the crowd seems easier, but you must make your own path in order to achieve anything of worth. 12. If you let your character reflect on things you do, you are being true to yourself. 13. If you do imitations of others, it will not get you anywhere. 14. We are brainwashed into thinking that there is only one way to do things and spend our whole lives chasing after this general idea of success. 15. When a person is born, they are distinctly unique. 16. A parent’s beliefs and wishes for their child is ultimately what drives him or her onto the road of obeying social standards. 17. You can give your own child a gift by teaching them not to rise to the materialistic expectations of the world. 18. If you learn to accept your flaws you can learn to better understand and accept others more easily. 19. Give up the absurd search for perfection. 20. Someday in the future, you may regret your choices. 21. If you had fulfilled society’s wishes, you will feel empty and unsatisfied with yourself. 22. It is never too late to change yourself into the person you want to

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