Queen Of My Heart

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She Was The Queen Of My Heart It was a bright Monday morning , a perfect weather for first day of high school. Its was the day where everything is new. A new school, new friends, new teachers and a new life. Nobody would know who is my mother and how would she look. My mother was a hideous woman I ever saw in my life. She had only one eye because she lost an eye due to an accident before I was born. That’s what she told me. I never dare to look her in her face because I was disgust with her face without an eye. Enough with the disgust feeling, today was my first day of high school and I would not want to ruined it just because of her. Today my mother insisted to send me to school but I resisted because I would not want to get humiliated on my first day. So, I went to school on foot. On my first day, it all went well. I met new friends, everyone at school was very kind to me. I was so happy until recess, something hit me right through my heart when I saw someone coming to my way. Its was my mother. Everyone at school was very curious of who is she and by the look of everyone’s face, I could see that they are disgusted by my mother’s face. My friends kept asking me who is she and told me it must be some dork’s mother. I felt really angry and ran away before my mother could see me. After recess, everyone was talking about my mother and kept asking each other the same question over and over without any answer but prediction. They were talking about it until school is over. The time when it reached to the end of school day was the worst time ever. Everyone finally got their answer. My mother was waiting for me by the gate of the school. She saw me when I first reached out my foot out of school and kept calling my name. Everyone had their eye on me when my name was been called out and they quickly throw a disgust look at me and started to gossip. I couldn’t stand

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