Qcf Level 5 Deploma Leadership for Health and Social Care

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506 Child Development 1.2 What is the difference between ‘sequence’ of development and ‘rate’ of development and explain why the difference is important. Sequence of development is when there is a definitive pattern to development like a baby learning to sit and balance before he or she can crawl, or a toddler learning to walk before he or she can run. The sequencing of development assists you to prepare and plan effectively and at the right time in anticipation of the next development stage to be reached. Rate of development is however, when individuals reach certain targets or milestones and at the speed of which they do so, and is also about recognising and identifying any concerns in development and how you can adapt and assist learning and development. Building blocks need to be in place for each developmental stage to happen. Many reasons can impact on a child’s rate of development; premature birth may cause a child’s development in the same sequence but at a different rate. An understanding of the difference between rate of development and sequence of development is important when analysing any form of development in children and young people as this could highlight concerns in certain areas. 1.3 Analyse the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the pattern normally expected. There may be many reasons why a child/young person’s development may not follow a typical pattern of normally expected development. Some of these reasons could be social, environmental, physical disabilities, resources available, cultures, facilities and equipment which are all interconnected. Social factors include family; families who are poor cannot provide experiences and opportunities preventing children and young people to reach their full potential. Statistics show children who come from poor backgrounds are significantly
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