Punishment And Sentencing In The Juvenile Justice System

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Running head: PUNISHMENT AND SENTENCING Punishment and Sentencing Michael Serrano, Eric Jirau, Sandra Brown, and Vincent Burford CJA/224 January 17, 2012 April Reddish Punishment and Sentencing There are various legal factors that are associated with juvenile sentencing in the criminal justice system. There is a “growing evidence indicates that many youth are transferred to the adult system for less serious, nonviolent offenses even when they have not been exposed to the full range of graduated sanctions available in the juvenile justice system” (Johnson, 2001). This study further shows that juveniles, According to Wolff-Barnes and Franz (1989) “Personal and aggravated personal offenders received more severe…show more content…
Will the victim be afforded the same compensation, the eight year old was a mentally challenge. Today juveniles are committing adult’s crimes at an alarming rate. The appeal process for this case will be a landmark case for years to come. There is various punishment philosophies used in the court systems when choosing which punishment the defendant would receive once he or she has been found guilty of the crime committed. The juvenile court system and adult court system uses the same philosophies, but there are some differences between the two. The adult court and juvenile court are similar; both try to deter crime and sentence defendants through punishment philosophies to prevent future crimes. The first punishment philosophy is deterrence. Deterrence is to prevent crime by putting fear and convincing individuals not to commit a crime because he or he would be violating the law. Deterrence is for law enforcement officers in today’s society because police presence around the community prevents and keeps down crime in the…show more content…
The purpose of the different types of punishment is to provide the convicted with reasons to follow the law. Forfeiture of property and assets is one of the lower levels of punishment. For example: Vehicles or locations that are owned by the accused maybe confiscated by the State for funds. Another low level punishment method and rarely occurs are “scarlet-letters” punishments. These types of punishment usually encompass in a particular way for the convicted letting the public know of their previous crimes. A more common punishment method is restitution and fines, which are paying fines such as speeding tickets, courtroom cost, paying the victim for damages from the crime committed such as medical bills or damage to property. Restitution can be enforced by garnishing wages or confiscating assets and is also considered a type of probation status. If the convicted fail to pay restitution the judge may cancel the probation and enforce incarceration. Boot camps and house arrest are more common but not limited to juvenile cases, which may encompass monitoring devices such as GPS trackers, drug testing, and breathalyzers. Probation and intensive supervision probation are the most common types of sanction. Overcrowded prisons are a major issue in the United States and probation is one of the resolutions put in to action. Most of non-violent cases are more likely to be

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