Pttls Theaory Assignment 4

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Pttls Assignment Theory Task 4 Simon Stewart WXB9746 Explain the ways in which you could establish ground rules, with your current/future learners that underpin behaviour and respect for others. Ground rules are described as, “An agreed code of behaviour within a learning group.” (Francis and Gould p266.)Ground rules are not just a collection of mandatory rules for example, those based around health and safety, but those which are agreed by the learner and their tutor. Ground rules are important to the whole group; it enables them to form a cohesive group promoting individual learning, giving the learners a sense of ownership of the rules and their learning environment and so that they know exactly what is expected of them when in the classroom environment. I would prepare a list of ground rules which would include, punctuality, turning off mobile phones, active listening, individual participation, hand in work on time and respect each other and their opinions. This is supported by Atherton (2011) who says: “There is no determinate list for all classes, but it is a useful exercise to think through what you want before you start the class if you don’t know what you want, how will the student know.” (Atherton 2011.) I would write these on individual post it notes, this will give me the opportunity to enable some control on the ground rules being able to underpin the most important rules like those based around health and safety and respect. I would then stick the post it notes up on the walls and ask the group to wander round and pick a couple each, which they place on the flip chart so we can discuss and agree on our rules. Problems can occur when setting ground rules when the learners cannot agree with each other on what should be included. If this does happen I would ask the group to respect the majority except in certain circumstances. For instance
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