Protecting Fine Arts

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Protecting the Fine Arts Many have heard of the fine arts but do not know exactly what it is or it’s role in schools. Fine art is mainly visual or performing art. Visual art can be sculptures or paintings. Performing art can be music, dance, or poetry. Fine art can be described as the beauty and meaningfulness of something (Fine art). Most schools have an art class, band, chorus, dance class, ect. Many students are involved in these classes and are very passionate about them. In 2001 President George Bush passed the No Child Left Behind Act. This act was formed to focus mainly on improving education and is mainly directed to disadvantaged students. The goal of the No Child Left Behind Act is to give more instructional time and less time for extracurricular during school hours. It is focused on changing the academic process by annual testing and giving report cards more often. The act also required funding changes. To receive funds the states and schools have to give assessments to students in certain grade levels (No Child Left Behind Act). These funding changes give better flexibility with how budgets are spent in schools. Now with the economy falling, school funding is not what it used to be. Congress is now trying to cut 70 percent of educational programs including the all fine arts programs(11ME). Schools have to choose what they fund and how they are going to spend the money they are given. Fine art programs are now one of the first things to be scratched off the budget list. This is having a major affect on schools staff and students. Therefore, the government should not cut fine arts funding from schools because it would adversely affect the culture of America. Having fine arts in schools provides students a positive future. Fine arts contributes to well rounded students, helps develop hobbies, is a stress reliever, provides a sense of worth, and is a way
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