Pros And Cons Of Raising The Minimum Wage

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Team B – National Wage Debate When turning on the news or reading a newspaper lately we hear talks of the National Minimum Wage. Years of working to be in the middle class or higher college educated people have lost good paying jobs they are now out in the workforce with those possibly less educated and working in competition for the minimal pennies that’s offered. Just recently there have been protests and people walking off of their only form of income to have their voices heard concerning their pay wage. Workers at McDonalds across the nation refusing to work until their voices are heard in their state and Washington D.C. McDonalds, once known to offer employment just for those employed, for the first time or those who are retired. Now we have those supporting their entire family on this income. The issue at hand is a teenager making the same wage as their parents or others who have a long work history. What about those who have a college degree they should just try to reinvent…show more content…
The most profound argument in favor of raising the minimum wage circles around the economic stimulus. Raising the minimum wage would not only help thousands of workers out of government assistance programs, but would also boost spending in the local economy on services and goods. While the strongest argument against raising the minimum wage is the uncertainty of the current job market and how it will affect entry-level and new job positions not opening in the economy. When we start looking at how a change like this would help the vast majority of today’s workers, versus the uncertainty of what may or may not help the few, this poses for a weak argument. Assist with the greater good. Based on these findings, by a unanimous vote, our team is in favor raising the minimum

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