Pros And Cons Of Jasper Jones

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------------------------------------------------- ACT ONE EXT. OVERPASS - DAY CROWLEY releases PENDLETON. CASTIEL speaks into the phone. CASTIEL The demon Crowley is making a deal; as we speak, it's—going down. EXT. LAKESIDE - DAY DEAN is on the phone. SAM leans against the car, back to DEAN. DEAN Going down? Right. Okay, Huggy Bear, just don't lose him. SAM turns to look at DEAN. CASTIEL I won't lose him. EXT. UNDERPASS - DAY PENDLETON Damn you. PENDLETON turns to walk back to his car. CROWLEY Enjoy the obscene wealth. See you in ten years. CROWLEY fiddles with a cell phone while he walks, then vanishes. CASTIEL follows him, vanishing as well. EXT. MANSION - DAY CASTIEL is still on the phone.…show more content…
CASTIEL is standing outside the car. He looks around; the street is deserted except for the three of them. ELLEN What is it, Cas? CASTIEL This town's not empty. From CASTIEL's point of view, the town is filled with dozens of old white men in suits, all standing still, attention fixed on something in the distance. CASTIEL Reapers. ELLEN Reapers? As in more than one? CASTIEL They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago Fire, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii. Excuse me, I need to find out why they're here. CASTIEL walks off, pausing to look at the nearest reaper, who ignores him. JO and ELLEN look at each other. CASTIEL's attention is caught by a REAPER inside a building who turns away from the window, the first of the dozens to show any signs of life. The building's marquee reads "JESUS SAVES". INT. BUILDING - DAY CASTIEL appears inside the building at that window. He comes down the corridor and enters a room. VOICE Hello, brother. White light. EXT. CITY STREET - DAY ELLEN and JO are back in their car. They come to a stop next to DEAN and SAM DEAN Station's empty. JO So's everything else.…show more content…
DEAN Bobby, it's Dean. We got problems. BOBBY sighs and looks heavenward. BOBBY It's okay, boy. That's why I'm here. INT. HARDWARE STORE - DAY and INT. BOBBY'S HOUSE - DAY, alternating BOBBY Is everyone all right? DEAN No. It's—it's—it's Jo. Bobby, it's pretty bad. BOBBY Okay. Copy that. So now we figure out what we do next. DEAN Bobby, I don't think she's— He breaks off. BOBBY I said, what do we do next, Dean? DEAN leans his head on his hand for a moment. DEAN Right. Okay, right. BOBBY Now, tell me what you got. Time has passed. BOBBY Before he went missing, did Cas say how many reapers? DEAN I don't—he said a lot of things, I guess. Does the number matter? BOBBY Devil's in the details, Dean. ELLEN taps DEAN on the shoulder with one bloody hand. DEAN holds up the microphone. ELLEN Bobby, it's Ellen. The way he was looking, the number of places Castiel's eyes went, I'd say we're talking over a dozen reapers, probably more. BOBBY I don't like the sound of that. DEAN Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby, but what—wh—what does that sound like? BOBBY It sounds like death, son. I think Satan's in town to work a
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