Why We Love Zombies

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Waking Up... A Zombie The alarm goes off. It sounds loud and cruel in your head, but you do not realize it. You get out of bed. You glance mechanically at the bills piled up on the dresser without regard. You walk forward, past the bed and bills. You glance despondently at yourself in the mirror and brush your teeth as society demands. You then go into the kitchen. Your head is slightly tilted down. You stuff a piece of tasteless bread in your mouth and walk out the door. At every house on the same block, same street, same city, same country, people walk out their door. The sun hits you and everyone else. Hard. Strange enough, neither you nor anyone else flinches. You open the car door and get in. You drive off without checking…show more content…
We love zombies because it is a way to express and discuss the things we are uncomfortable with, particularly government, politics, the dreadful economy and the financial institutions that literally get away with murder, and the media as means to our lack of self-identity. And why are we uncomfortable with these topics: because we once had control over our identities, and ourselves, but we have given up and lost our power. These topics make us uncomfortable because we have allowed these things to happen through our very own inaction. That inaction, may of course be a result of misunderstandings, misinformation, misguidance, among other reasons, but at the heart of it: we are the ones who allowed the government, financial institutions and media to suck all of what makes us human out of us. For Gross, however, he suggests zombies are the government or financial institutions, but I portray zombies as us - society - and only a certain few remain who have not yet

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