Pros And Cons Of Healthcare Vs Socialized Medicine

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Which is the better healthcare system for the United States, socialized or privatized medicine? Due to socialized medicine, countries such as Canada have suffered multiple losses in technology. This can be shown by the sheer outnumbering of machines when you compare the socialized and privatized systems. With the lack in technology caused by the socialized systems, there are multiple drawbacks in a socialized system. As well, with the lack of such simple necessities - such as machines - there can be un-needed deaths. America's privatized medicine should not be transferred to a socialized medicine due to the negative effects it would cause. With the introduction of socialized medicine in America, there would be multiple drawbacks. Drawbacks…show more content…
The general belief is that with a socialized system comes free healthcare. This is false, citizens would still pay for their healthcare, but indirectly, "Socialized healthcare is not really free, of course; the true cost is merely hidden, since it is paid for by taxes" (DiLorenzo). Instead of paying for health insurance from a private business, every legal citizen in America would be paying taxes in order to cover the healthcare for the entire nation. Even if a citizen did not want healthcare, they would still have to pay for it, "Under the new law, all the exits from the system are blocked. You can't opt out or buy cheap, high-deductible Acme Car-type insurance, even if that's what you need" (Goldberg). As well, not all the taxes are up front, there are multiple hidden in the ObamaCare plan. One example being a %10 additional tax on all tanning salons (Hogberg). While there would also be additional taxes, it is quite possible that the prices for insurance would rise even further for a family, "The Congressional Budget Office predicts that premiums for a small number of families who buy their insurance privately will rise by as much as $2,100," (Hasset). The increase in taxes is not the only negative economic issue, private companies would be…show more content…
They would all soon run out of business due to not being able to compete with a government system, "Additional taxes and mandated costs are to be imposed on health insurance companies, while a government-run "health insurance" bureaucracy will be created, ostensibly to "compete" with the private companies" (DiLorenzo). Even though citizens would be able to choose whether they wanted socialized medicine or not, it would not be plausible to stay with a privatized provider. The government can easily undercut the privatized business and further taxing the privatized sector, a business would not be able to run effectively with a profit. Since public payers are able to negotiate for lower costs, more people would end up in the public plan since it would be cheaper. In the end, there would be very few left in the private system (Clemmit). Even if the drop in the privatized sector were slow, it would still surely happen. An similar example can be seen when subsidies government hospitals started appearing: "After 60 years of subsidies for government-run hospitals, the number had fallen to about 10 percent... by the early 1990s government had taken over almost the entire hospital industry. That small portion of the industry that remains for-profit is regulated in an extraordinarily heavy way by federal, state and local governments so that many (perhaps most) of

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