Promoting Well-Being Essay

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Promoting Well-Being The Collins English Dictionary’s definition for well-being is: noun; the condition of being contented, healthy or successful. At Gresham care we would like the word well-being to mean “the condition of being contented, healthy and successful.” That is our target and we do all that we can to try to achieve this. As a front line care worker you play a huge part in helping to achieve this. A big step towards personal well-being for all people is to live in a comfortable, well equipped, warm, clean and tidy home. Gresham Care is very proud of its housing stock and knows it is of the highest standard with many beautiful Surrey houses that are very well maintained down to manicured lawns. A beautiful home is really just a start; well-being is dependent on many other factors but a nice safe environment in which to live is a very good start. Part of your role as a social care support worker is to ensure that the interior of the home is clean and tidy and that there are no obstacles left lying around that could harm or impede anyone. There are many health & safety policies and procedures that you will become familiar with if you are not already. All make sound sense; there is nothing difficult or any unreasonable tasks to perform. We appreciate that cleaning toilets and bathrooms is not the most glamorous of duties but essential to achieve our target, all PPE is provided for you. Nutrition is a vital part of well-being the weekly food shopping budget is sufficient to ensure a quality menu can be provided for every week with plenty of healthy foods along with the treats that most of us are tempted by. The clients have a lot of input with regard to menu planning and this is reflected by the fact that particular client’s favourite meals are regularly prepared. By practising a person centred approach to care we usually meet all the needs of
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