Promoting Good Practice in Handling Information in a Health and Social Care Setting

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1. Identify four key pieces of Legislation and Codes of Practice relating to handling information in a care setting. • Data Protection Act 1998 • The Health and Social Care Act 2008 • The General Social Care Council (GSCC) Codes of Practice • Freedom of Information Act 2000 2. Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice affect the day to day work of a care worker in relation to handling information. Legal requirements and codes of practice ensure care workers maintain confidentiality by setting out guidelines that state all information should not be handed out to anyone outside of those involved in the care of the individual. It also ensures care workers gain consent before passing on any confidential information. If health care professionals receive information that may put the individual or others at risk then they have a duty of care to report to their manager immediately. If the individual does not give consent, in this incident, the care worker would need to explain to the individual that it is their duty of care to report any information that puts the individual or others at risk. The legal requirements and codes of practice also ensure care workers protect daily recordings by keeping them in a secure place where they can only be accessed by those necessary. For example GP’s, district nurses and social workers. 3. Explain two ways of helping other practitioners to understand the importance of handling information securely. Explain the correct procedures for handling information and the potential consequences if this is done incorrectly. Ensure they are aware of the legislation relating to handling information as they will identify the key points of the legal requirements. (The Data Protection Act 1998, The Freedom of Information Act 2000). 4. Explain two ways of helping other practitioners to understand the different systems used to

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