Promote Anti-Discrimination In Health And Social Care Settings

791 Words4 Pages
For this task I have been asked to describe how anti-discriminatory practise is promoted in health and social care settings, this meaning action taken to prevent discrimination against people on the grounds of race, class, gender, disability etc. anti-discrimination practise promotes equality by introducing anti-discrimination policies in the work place. It is important that health care workers promote equality, value diversity and respect the rights of service users always putting the service user at the heart of the service provision. This meaning that the service user’s individual needs will be meet and achieved . Care workers, also need to have an understanding of what it would be like to use the services, with this all the service…show more content…
* The promotion of anti-discrimination practice * The promotion and support of dignity, independence, and safety * Respect for, and acknowledgement of, personal beliefs and an individual’s identity * The maintenance of confidentiality * Protection from abuse and harm * The promotion of effective communication and relationships * The provision of personalized( individual) care By following the seven principles of care values in your everyday work you will be promoting individuals rights and choices, this having a positive impact on people’s feelings of well-being and them having a sense of control over their lives when they may be at a vulnerable stage. Accessed on line 23/6/2012. Accessed on line 23/6/2012. Accessed on line

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