Principals in Health and Social Care Setting

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UUnit 9 – P1 In this essay I’m going to talk about values and principals in health and social care setting. So why are values and principles important? Because of these few steps. Step one: Ensure that they recognise, preserve and promote the rights of the individuals using their service in a way that enables the individual to have choices and to engage as active partners in having their needs met. This includes their right to be treated with dignity and have their privacy and confidentiality respected. Step two: Promote the independence and wellbeing of the people using their service so that they can achieve their full potential. Step three: Reflect on their practice and engage in continuous learning with and from others from diverse backgrounds including the people to whom they provide care/support their families and carers, colleagues in their own service and colleagues from other services, across the different sectors. Step four: Participate in the assessment and management of risk, to ensure the safety and protection of the people with whom they are working and the wider community. Step five: Act only within the limits of their defined role and competence and take responsibility for their actions. Step six: Promote public confidence in their service by showing commitment to the people who use their services and behaving ethically. So as you can see that in these six steps are the crucial pars of values and principals of health and social care setting. Let me introduce you to Jack he is 86 year old and he lives at residential home and overall he is happy but one thing shocked him the one day. One nice day but dreadful for Jack. On Monday the 25th of February Jack got up as usual and wen to breakfast, half way through eating his breakfast a care worker came to him and asked him to come to her office that she needs to talk to him and that someone came to
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