Problem Solving for Children

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Problem Solving for Children Teaching children life skills is a daily process for parents. From learning how to care for themselves to thinking and reasoning, children must get hold of the tools they will need to get through life. Using a mixture of techniques can help you give a child the advantage of being a problem solver, one who understands the importance of thinking through issues to find a resolution. You can explain to your child what solving a problem means. Use age-appropriate language and use examples to illustrate your point. Explain that some problems have a specific, known answer, such as "What does one plus one equal?" Other problems involve figuring out the best solution, such as how to fit all the cookies in the cookie jar. Create problem-solving activities in your house or outside. For example, hide a stuffed animal in the house, making sure you remember where you placed the item. Using note cards, write down one hint per card to use as prompts to help your child figure out where the item was hidden. Give the child one card at a time, and give him only as many as he needs to find the item. P.O.W.E.R Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life. 5 state that if a problem clearly has only one answer, such as a math problem, this step in problem solving is relatively easy. You should be able to work the problem and figure out whether you've been successful. In contrast, messier problems have several possible solutions, some of which may be more involved and costly than others. Ask for child’s input when you encounter problem-solving opportunities on a daily basis. Then discuss all the factors that enter into the decision-making process so that the child understands how to think through all the facets of the issue. Guide him through the process as you reach a decision. Consistent exposure to situations like this will help to teach the
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