SPE-226: Educating The Exceptional Learner

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Tiara Warmack 3/16/2014 SPE-226 Educating the Exceptional Learner Instructor Crystal McCabe Life Long Learning Lifelong learning is something that everyone achieves whether they try to or not. People learn something different everyday even though they may not pay attention to the lesson. People take education for granted as well as continuing to become more educated over the course of life. People with disabilities thrive at the chance to learn because the odds are against them. What most people take for granted is what people with disabilities wish they could accomplish as easy as those without disabilities. When disabilities are discovered as early as possible more things can be done to help the student and parents learn as effective…show more content…
Some of these disabilities are caused by the parent not taking full care of themselves and the baby. When a parent or doctor notices that something is not right or that the children may have a disability intervention is needed as early as possible. Early intervention makes a big difference in a child’s life. When a parent accepts the fact that their child has a disabilities it can open up their eyes to see that there are many options available to help assist and even overcome certain disabilities. With early intervention there are many services that parents can use relating to their child’s disabilities. Early intervention is for children from birth up until about kindergarten and it helps to prepare the family for the educational journey that they will face over the course of their life. There are not any weaknesses of early intervention. Early intervention is used to better the child and help build strengths where there are weaknesses. The strengths of early intervention are enhanced development, minimized developmental delays, and can decrease the need for special education in the future. Early intervention builds the child and family up so they can see that the disability will not hold the child down. It gives the family a head start on educational services so that the child will not fall behind when the reach grade…show more content…
Assessments are test that are given so that the teacher can see what level the child is on and to see what path do they need to take to start educating the child properly. When a child is assessed properly time will not be wasted by simply putting activities in from of them. Children learn in different ways and those with disabilities have to have the correct instruction to help him or her. There are weaknesses of assessments as well. Assessments can be very time consuming and depending on the child they may get restless while taking them. When a child starts to show signs of restless during an assessment is not good because two things could happen. Either the child is going to stray away from answering the questions or the assessment will not get completed. Some children can sit through assessments depending on age and the type of assessment. Assessments do come in many forms. It depends on the child’s disabilities to determine the type of
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