Probation Memorandum Example

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Dear Officer Sawyer, I am responding to your recommendation for revocation report that I received for James Ferguson. It is in my opinion that Mr. Ferguson wants to comply with his probation conditions but does not have enough time complete his drug treatments sessions and community service. I am not sure why he hasn’t started paying his fine but I am sure we can come up with an arrangement. If he cannot comply with the following recommendations then we can look at revoking his probation. I understand that you are frustrated with Mr. Ferguson’s overall attitude. He has been non-compliant with drug treatment sessions and has been giving you bad attitude when you address him. Let’s focus on his schedule. He works from midnight to 8 am. It’s obvious that Mr. Ferguson is extremely tired when he comes off shift yet is expected to attend treatment three times a week in the mornings. Personally, I would be angry, frustrated, and tired so I am recommending that we change his treatments to the afternoons so that he can give 100% towards attending these sessions. As far as his attitude, I understand that you may not like it but that is not a reason to revoke his probation. I will have a talk with him regarding his behavior and I am sure it will change once he sees the recommendations. In regards to not completing community service, once again we have to look at his schedule. Morning hours are not working for Mr. Ferguson considering that requires sleep after his shift at work. His treatments will be 3 times a week in the afternoon. It is my recommendation that we reduce the community service from 10 hours a week to 6 hours a week. That way Mr. Ferguson can spend 2 days at 3 hours a week or can spend 3 days at 2 hours a week working at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. If he cannot fulfill the requirements of his community service then we will have no choice but to write
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