Pro and Cons Technology

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Over the last decade, technology in the classroom has become a growing priority for many colleges and universities. With the widespread availability of broadband access to the Internet, the virtual flood gates opened, revolutionizing potential methods of both teaching and learning. weighing the pros and cons of various education technologiesUnfortunately, with various technology companies making every attempt to get their products on the market before another company, some tech gadgets and time-savers have proven to be less fruitful. Many tech companies simply upgrade components of a competitor’s device and tout it as the next best thing on the market. As such, school budget officials have a hard job of choosing what types of devices will be helpful for students and teachers, and which gadgets may prove to be less than essential. All technology choices require careful consideration of the pros and cons of implementation and use before taking them on. Here’s a few thoughts about a some of these technologies, and some considerations to be aware of when planning for potential implementations. The e-reader Over the last few years, the e-reader has become a very popular technological learning tool. Instead of purchasing paper and hardback books, an e-reader allows the user to download the text to an electronic monitor. As such, e-readers have become quite popular with the general public. For this reason, many schools have thought about incorporating them into the classrooms. The general idea is to pay up front for the e-reader and recoup the expense by paying less over time for the textbooks in paper form. This may be a great idea in theory, yet there are certain aspects of this approach that may be more costly than initially estimated. E-readers may not withstand the dropping, tossing, spillage, and other bumps and bruises to which students subject regular
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