Private Sector, the Cause for Deterioration

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Private Sector, The Cause for Deterioration of Canadian Healthcare The healthcare system in Canada clearly plays a very prominent role in the lives of Canadians. Our healthcare system is comprised between two different sectors, public and private. (Blanchette & Tolly, 2001, para 3). Public healthcare is financed through the government to provide medically necessary healthcare needs while private healthcare is paid for through out-of-pocket expenses by individuals and is outside of government funding (para. 4). Canada’s healthcare system has evolved throughout the years. The shift between a public to a more prominent private based system has become a pressing subject in the healthcare industry today. The economy would suffer from great consequences if out healthcare system shifted from a public/private mid to a fully private healthcare sector. Individuals in favour of privatization often believe the United States provides more efficient healthcare and tend to be part of the upper class of the financial ladder (Angell, 2008, para. 1). This paper will establish the negative effects, which Canadians will face if Canada switched to a completely privatized healthcare system. Health Canada defines public health as, “universal coverage for medically necessary health care services provided on basis of need, rather than the ability to pay” (“Health Care System”, n.d., para. 1). For decades, Canada’s healthcare system has been comprised mainly of the public sector. The public sector was devised to prolong life expectancy, prevent infectious disease, promote health and improve the populations overall quality of life (Steinbrook, 2006, para. 4). Prior to World War II, most of Canada’s healthcare system was privately funded (“Canada’s Health Care System,” 2012, para. 4). In 1984, the Canada Health Act replaced the federal hospital and medial insurance acts (para. 6). During

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