President Roosevelt's Life During The Great Depression

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American’ lives during the Great Depression And President Roosevelt Ryo Ishibashi History 202 November 4, 2014 Americans in every social group, the rich and the poor, white and non-white, could not predict on how far the world’s and domestic economy could decline during the Depression. The Great Depression radically changed the way many Americans live for the worse such as disruption of traditional women’s role in a family and segregation into minority groups including female and African American workers. Discussing lives of Americans of the time and evaluating how effectively President Roosevelt worked on issues to get throw the Depression era, it was answered if an entire community were equally saved or, in contrast of certain outcome…show more content…
The Depression hit women, like other minority groups in American society, similarly harsh because of that payrolls of many communities and private companies were open only to males. The main role of women during the Great Depression was that of the homemaker. Some women had gone through college level education and, like their male counterparts, were having a difficult time of finding employment. Those with families had the task of keeping their family together, as the traditional view of motherhood role, when the principle moneymaker of the family was out of work. However, some women joined the work force and would do jobs that men previously had held. Some were not forced to, but they had to work as hard as they could to support their families during this difficult time. In contrast, the writer Norman Cousins commented that there was a negative opinion on the women’s presence in the workforce despite women willing to acquire a living wage. He also stated in his book that the federal government proscribed holding government jobs by both members of a married couple, and many localities stopped hiring women whose husbands with a minimum wage (Cousins 1939). Another aspect of the Depression affecting life of women was the moral argument against working-women. There was the social movement toward the defeminizing of public and private jobs for married or unmarried women in these days, because such social current brought by…show more content…
Even if the New Deal was enough to satisfy the public need for helping Americans to climb out of a recession by helping workers through creating public works to reduce unemployed, Roosevelt’s cabinet let years go by paying less attention to minority groups, as mentioned, such as African-Americans and female workers. These issues about minorities had been at steak until the end of the century. In spite of the above defect, it cannot be denied that the New Deal had great achievements to its goal. A number of measures adopted by New Deal Administration have survived the challenging period of the time and have come to stay in society. The New Deal itself, especially WPA, created millions of jobs and sponsored public works projects that reached most of every countries in the nation. It help a large number of people, caught in the worst depression in American history, by providing them jobs, financing farm and home mortgage. The administration saved many people from grave difficulty. Its relief programs enabled the unfortunate people to earn money without sacrificing their self-respect. In addition, Federal protection of bank deposits ended the dangerous trend of bank

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