Prenatal Development Outline

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Joseph Riddle AP Pyschology Chapter 4 Outline 10/23/12 I. Prenatal Development and the Newborn A. Conception * The woman is born with all immature eggs. Only 1 out of 5,000 eggs will ever be mature enough to be released * Men can produce up to 1,000 sperm per second, but the rate gradually decreases over time. * As soon as one sperm tries to penetrate an egg, the egg blocks out all others. * Fingerlike projections will sprout around the sperm and fill it in * Fuse later B. Prenatal Development * Zygotes are fertilized eggs * First week – cell divides and makes around 100 cells * Will specialize in structure and function * 9 weeks – embryo is a fetus * 6 months – organs will be able…show more content…
2. Attachment Differences * Securely attached children play and explore comfortable when mother is near. * Insecurely attached explore less when mom is near and may cling, cry, or otherwise become upset. * Both mother and father love = predictors in childrens overall well-being. * Adult relationships = reflect the security/insecurity attachment styles of early childhood. 3. Deprivation of Attachment * Children become withdrawn and frightened when they are deprived of attachment and may not produce speech correctly. * Child abuse = physical, social, and psychological distress. * Extensive time in day care = increased aggression and defiance. 4. Self Concept * Self concept = the sense of one’s identity and personal worth. * Begins around 6 months of age * Start of school = can describe multiple traits * Children who produce positive self concept are more confident, independent, and optimistic. 5. Child rearing pratices * Authoritative parents yield high self esteem and reliant children * Permissive parents are more likely to yield aggressive and immature…show more content…
Aging and Memory * Cross sectional studies = comparing people of diff ages with one another. * These studies reveal that intelligence declined after early adulthood * Logitudinal studies = retesting the same people over a period of time * Fluid intelligence is the ability to reason speedily and abstractly * Crystallized intelligence = ones accumulated knowledge as reflected in vocabulary and analogies tests C. Social Development 1. Adulthood’s Ages and Stages * Midlife transition = takes place in forties = involves struggle, regreat, felling struck down. Triggered by illness, divorce, or by job loss. * Romantic attraction is often influenced by chance encounters. * Social clock varies from culture to culture. 2. Adulthood’s Commitments * Generativity = being productive and supporting future generations * Love and work are 2 major themes of adulthood. * Families staying together = better chance of passing down genes. * Satisfying work correlates with life satisfaction. 3. Well Being Across the Life Span * A person’s of satisfaction and well being are stable through out one’s lifespan. * Older adults = more satisfaction due to already completing

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