Pre Modern vs Modern Politics

2020 Words9 Pages
Traditional Politics vs. Modern Politics Traditional politics and modern politics are often considered distinct opposites when taking into account the change in various aspects of government and its political ideologies over time. However, modern politics is also argued to be based off of traditional politics due to the fact that there would be no modern without a pre-modern. In order to obtain a better understanding of the distinction between traditional and modern politics and the relevance of this distinction today, the evolving state of global politics must be addressed. These ideas are not diametrically opposed. This distinction provides a solid basis to move forward in terms of developing a political foundation. The variant types of authority, the progression from feudalism to more modern forms of rule, and the variation in the outline of the social system help illustrate the complex correspondence between traditional and modern politics. Throughout history, authority and legitimacy have been inherently intertwined with politics. One of the primary ways in which we distinguish between traditional and modern politics is through the application of different types of authority. Max Weber, a German sociologist, discusses three different types of authority, namely traditional, charismatic, and legal rational, which have contributed to the transition of politics from traditional to modern. . According to Weber, the power and rule of any given authority ranges from one nation to another, however, “a certain minimum of assured power to issue commands, thus of authority, must be provided for in nearly every conceivable case” (Weber, 328). In my opinion, Weber’s theory suggests that traditional and modern politics are not, in fact, diametrically opposed, as both traditional and modern political systems required some form of authority. If they were opposed, then
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