Potential Benefits of Stem Cell Research

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Stem cells are the basic building blocks that help the human body to renew, develop, maintain and repair itself throughout the life cycle. They help a baby develop into a child and a child grow to an adult. Although much work remains to be performed in the laboratory, stem cell research shows promising potential for the treatment and cure of many medical conditions and diseases. There are two important characteristics that differentiate stem cells from other types of cells. First, they are capable of renewing themselves through cell division. Secondly, they can be introduced to become tissue or organ-specific cells with specific functions to divide and repair worn or damaged tissues. Stem cells are important because they are undifferentiated, or initially have no specific physiological function. Hence the name-every cell in the body ‘stems’ from a stem cell. It isn’t until the stem cell receives a signal, that it begins to differentiate or gradually change into one of the two hundred or more types of cells that it is destined to be. As stated by The National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth” (Stem Cell Basics). There are many potential uses for stem cell research today and in the future. Already, stem cell (or more specifically blood stem cell) therapies are being used today to treat leukemia, lymphoma and other blood disorders. Currently, researchers are deciphering the true potential and limitation of stem cells. In the future, stem cell therapies may be used to regenerate damaged tissue so that invasive surgical procedures could be avoided. Therapeutic cloning may be used to treat burn victims. Spinal cord injuries could be repaired. Scientists hope to grow organs outside of the body for transplant patients. Stem cell
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