Human Cloning Rhetorical Analysis

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Rhetorical Analysis With each new scientific discovery comes the question of ethics. Should we be doing this? Is that it is done in the name of science a good enough reason to bypass general ethical standards? Writer Maya Eddon posts her opinion on human cloning in an article on the Discovery Tech Website. She argues that cloning is, "an unprecedented advance in medical research" and should be used to its full potential. The author uses logos and ethos combined with a distinct lack of pathos to make the argument that human cloning should be researched and used as an aid for medical issues. The article is roughly directed at the scientific community, but is mostly written in hopes of persuading those of the general public that have an interest in the subject to look at cloning and stem cell research more logically. Eddon begins the article by explaining the benefits of investing in cloning research, which include more effective treatments for medical issues and a variety of options to reproductive problems. The article immediately begins its appeal to logic. It takes into account a main topic of discussion on the subject that cloning would lead to the "manufacturing" humans and…show more content…
Stem cell research and human cloning can be topics for very heated debate. The writer attempts to take the ethical aspect of the issue away and make the reader think about the possible effects such research could have on their lives. For instance if the article was read by a partner unable to conceive a child, he/she may look at the issue in a more practical manner. Research into cloning could give them hope, and any previous misgivings they may have had could be forgotten. Being able to relate the issues that could be solved by this medical research causes the audience to become more understanding and willing to hear the
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