Embryonic Stem Cell Research Persuasive Speech

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Imagine you or someone you know needed an organ transplant but there weren’t any matches for an organ donor. Then you hear of replacement cells that you can have plugged in to your body instead of waiting for a donor that may never come. It sounds far fetched but we might see it in our lifetime. Today, I’d like to share with you what I learned about what embryonic stem cells are and how the current research being done can be used. First, I will explain what embryonic stem cells are. Then, I will share with you the use of these stem cells for organ transplants. And finally, I will share how stem cell research can be used to study early human development. According to the research I have been doing over this past week I have found a better understanding…show more content…
Embryonic stem cells can be used to help explain birth defects and chromosomal abnormalities that often lead to miscarriages or to spot and prevent possible potential problems. The study of stem cells began with using those of mice, which was groundbreaking, however, the use of human embryonic stem cells allows the research of early human development within closer reach. According to Thaddeus Golos, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in December 2003 commented on biomedicine.org that his team of researchers could one day better understand diseases of preeclampsia, which is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy and the postpartum period that is estimated to kill at least 76,000 women and infants each year. It is a scary thought for us that something so deadly is still unexplainable and that some aspects of the early stages of life are still unknown especially if we want to have families of our own. In summary, today I first explained what embryonic stem cells are, then I shared the use of embryonic stem cells in organ transplants, and finally I shared how embryonic stem cell research can be used to study early human development. I hope you got a sense of what the buzz on stem cell research is so that in the future, should you hear about new developments in transplants, you will know the potential of what stem cells can

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