Police Stress Essay

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Psychology of LE Assignment 3 1.) Where does police stress come from? Many factors can contribute to police stress; fear and the dangers of the job, being responsible for others and strangers, death (murder victims, suicides, accidents and even the possibility of your own.) Having to deal with crimes involving children, large numbers of cases to solve in a short time, failure to solve them, and dealing with the family of victims and trying to bring them some justice, or comfort. Other factors include the demanding schedules, and little personal time for family and friends. 2.) Difference between external and internal stressors? External stress comes from the outside, environment, job, home, trauma or injury. Internal stress comes from the inside, such as attitudes, thoughts, over all health, sleep patterns, fears, worries, and feelings of anger. 3.) What role do police organizations play in police officer stress? Management policies and practices factor stress from administration, judges and the public. Officers work life and career stability arise out of the constellation of management practices, and policies characterizing police organizations. Along with shift schedules that disrupt sleep patterns, social life, critical and unsympathetic supervisors and lack of recognition. 4.) Some positive coping mechanisms that criminal justice professionals can engage- There are many coping styles: humor (funny movies, comedy shows..) support groups, relaxation (massage, spa, vacation..) physical activity, take a few personal days off to focus on doing the things you enjoy like artwork, reading, baking.. 5.) How do professional and personal stressors combine? Professional stress from work goes home with you, and personal stress goes to work with you. For example, something not work related could be bothering you, and you snap at a coworker/partner, or a bad day
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