Pokemon Research Paper

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Pokemon, The True Educator Of Youth For more than 10 years, kids all over the globe have been discovering the enchanting world of Pokemon. Today, the Pokemon family of products includes video games, the Pokemon Trading Card Game, the Pokemon animated TV series, movies, toys, and much more. The Pokemon video games encourage children to learn to read, since reading is required in Pokemon games. The games also encourage strategic thinking, and, in many cases, basic math skills. However, that is not all. Pokemon also teaches persistence, social skills, research skills, and working efficiently. There are two main goals in every Pokemon game. The first is to defeat the Elite Four, a group of the four strongest Pokemon trainers in the game. The…show more content…
Those people are goons. When faced with an insurmountable task, outside help is often the correct answer. In the game, that can be anything from Googling where specific Pokemon are, or even if they in the game you are playing at all, to asking a friend for help. People who are too proud to ask for help set themselves back in life, and in the game. When you refuse to ask for help while facing a momentous task you set yourself up to fail. You start to think it is impossible and give up rather than asking for the help you needed all along. Pokemon teaches you, at a very young age, that it is not only okay to ask for help, but that it is a good thing. It shows that you are more motivated to get the task done and your pride is not standing in your way. I can still remember the first Pokemon game I played. It was back in first grade. I still have the game now, but I do not play it anymore. It just sits on my desk as a reminder of what used to be. It is strange thinking back about how much that game impacted me. Choosing my first Pokemon was such a small choice at the time but it had such a pivotal effect on my life. Without Pokemon, I would not be as persistent, efficient, social, or have the research skills I have
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