Pluralism & Fremont Usa

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The dictionary defines pluralism as “a form of society in which the members of minority groups maintain their independent cultural traditions.” (Webster) Pluralism can also be described by the phrase the “melting pot,” where a place where races, and cultures are blended together. In the article “ What Is Pluralism?” written by Diana L. Eck , she describes 4 main characteristics of pluralism, and each point can be seen in the 2008 film Fremont USA, an example of a pluralistic city. It’s a California city that started off with a white farming people, than it slowly became one of the most diverse cities in the nation through immigration. One can say in today’s Fremont white people are the minority. But the most notable diversity is in their religious communities of this city. . It has people from around the world living side by side. The first point Mrs. Eck made was that “pluralism is not diversity alone, but the energetic engagement with diversity.” The Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Sikh communities has grown in Fremont. There are a couple of mosques, Sikh and Hindu houses of worship, Buddhist Temples etc. They are not only diverse but engage with diversity. There was a road “Peace Terrace” that Muslims and Methodists built houses of worship together. Even though they have differences they engage with one another, and yet manage to live and work side by side peacefully. I never knew that Fremont has the largest Afghan population in the US, and the second largest Sikh community. The second point made in the article that can be shown in the Fremont film is: “pluralism is not just tolerance, but the active seeking of understanding across lines of difference.” Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists choose to mingle with each other as neighbors in Fremont. Through everyday engagement and interfaith action, strangers have become neighbors in this city. It’s very easy

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