Plague: The Black Death

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The Black Death It was a devastating and sad time during 1348 to 1350 because and outbreak of a disease of plague cause by bacterium. Europe and the Islamic world lost 30% to 50% of their population. Plague is a disease that is cause by enterobacteria Yersinis pestis, and it was named after the French Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin. As stated in my reading the modern people knew the disease was infectious, but they did not know how it spread. And it was no effective treatments for it. The disease was almost always fatal. It is like the disease came so fast they did not know how to treat it. They believe in some remedies but nothing they did would cure the disease. I could not even imagine how those people felt. To know you…show more content…
They called that time the Black Death. It was named the Black Death because one of the symptoms made blacking skin when the skin would swell, are they can be called buboes. The buboes were red at first but then turned a dark purple or black. The infection and transmission for the disease came from coughing and sneezing on another person. It also came from direct physical contact with a person like touching soil and contaminated surface. It was also airborne because the disease can remain in the air for a long period of time. It was really no way to escape such terror. Another way the disease can be carried by insects and animals. And back then animals and insects was everywhere. The infectious disease was in food and water supply. It was like a dead end situation, no way to turn…show more content…
But if the victim is already sick or malnutrition it want help. This type of plague made up 30 to 70 percent of symptoms. People would have fevers of 38-41 °C and 101-105 °F. They would have headaches, painful in the joints; they would feel very nausea and would vomit. And 80% would die within a week. Back then thay had lack of medical knowledge and they tried anything to cure the disease but nothing would work. The towns and cities faced food shortage. The outbreak had a huge impact on the field because the men who work in them was to sick to tend to the field and the crops would die. Animals that was being raised to eat went free because people was not able to tend to them. And that meant starvation . The Black Death made a lot of consequence and effects on every one in England. Prices of good rose, because people was not selling as much and the little they did they made the price go up. People wanted more money to work in those types of deadly environment. Peasant moved from the country to town. It also made people pull from the church because they blamed God. These were some very hard time. All I can say is my heart goes out to everyone that was affected by the Black
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