Ping Pong Affect

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Ping Pong Effect Many people are raised through rough environments which make a lasting impression. After reading two articles named by "Under the Influence" by Scott Russell Sanders, and "Cyclops" by David Sedaris they begin to relive back at their childhood memories and analyze it from a more mature knowledgeable perspective. I can relate to both essays as I experienced sorrow and separation while growing up with my mother and father and watching alcohol overrun my father, and having that worrying mother clouding your thoughts . It becomes as vivid and emotional with each time I reminisce it all. Sedaris and Sanders both describe their events with an emotional state in their lives, one being "Cyclops" which describes his father's exaggerated messages towards dangerous encounters as "Under the Influence" by Sanders causes a mournful tone as he recollects his father's alcoholism. "Under the influence" By Sanders truly sparked a dramatic scene in my head as I read his story as a kid dealing with a dramatic house hold experience. He dealt with a loving relative which happened to be his father, self destruct before his eyes as he watched helplessly. I can remember being at that age, where most things seem simple until I met my fathers other half. It was like night and day as weekdays turned into weekends and father figures turning me into an agitated and frusterated kid. He would pour his rum mixed with cubes of ice as he poured his orange juice to sweeten the bitterness. Sanders uses a reference of Theodore Roethke's lines of his father saying "The Whiskey on your breath could make a small boy dizzy; But I hung on like death" quoted in Sanders essay placed me back into my childhood as his slurred words whipped through my nose and fueled my anger. He saw it in my face every time as he also became agitated and complaining about hes first thoughts about life
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