Picky Eater Essay

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Food is always on my mind. Ever since I was a child my taste buds have changed so much. I am an extremely picky eater. Everyone in my family will pretty much eat anything you put in front of them and as I child I was the same way, but not anymore. If it smelled funny, looks weird, or I can’t pronounce the name, I will refuse to eat it. At 1 year old, I ate anything my mother gave me. She started feeding me hand foods when I was 8 months, which is also when I started walking. Anything I found on the floor I put in my mouth. When I was two things started changing a little bit. I would no longer eat chicken liver or prunes, which my mother gave me when I wasn’t pooping the way I should have been. Mud pies were very popular to me when I was two. The mud pies I made outside with the dirt, worms, grass, and water I found under our step stones. At one time I loved broccoli which is the vegetable I hate the most now. My mother has a picture of it and keeps it for collateral to get me to do things for her. I can’t wait to burn it one day. When I was a child, my mother worked at a daycare which I attended. My favorite food to was spaghetti, and my mom has a very embarrassing picture of me covered in spaghetti sauce also. What I would do to get my hands on these photos! I only ate the spaghetti my mom made and if you gave me some that wasn’t made by her I would spit it out. Now I don’t like spaghetti at all, but I think it’s because I ate a lot as I was growing up and it just got old to me. When I was five, my mother met this guy she dated for a really long time. He loved to go hunting, so I ate a lot of deer and rabbit. Now if you asked me how I felt about this it would not be the same.i would beg my mother for all kinds of deer. I wanted it fried, barbequed, smoked, grilled, pretty much anyway you could possibly cook it. I have to say, though, that neither rabbit nor deer

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