Phony Diary Entry Analysis

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holdHey diary: The goddam doctor told me that I could leave this goddam hospital tomorrow, big deal. Boy, I can finally get away with all these phony doctors and all, they said I’ve improved or somewhat. Anyway, it has literally been a year since the first day I got here. I will have to be applying myself to this school near Hollywood’s, where D.B. works. It’s not like I don’t think he’s not phony and all, I still hate him for writing those craps he writes. What else I could have done, the “hotshot” doctor said I have to stay at somewhere near my family, and it was the only goddam option I had. I’m bit looking forward to the new school; tough I’m just halfway to the damn assignments to catch on to… And, old Phoebe, she is just so smart…show more content…
It was then he told me that he was sorry for beating the hell outta me; the date didn’t go well between the moron and old Jane. He tried to be clever on old Jane that day, but she didn’t felt for it. And left the poor bastard in his own car. That kills me, it really did. Guess he had it coming when he thought he was going out with “Jean”… But the three of us are good now, he and I and Ackley, we hang out sometimes, and they can really check me out of hospital aren’t they? The doctors are just so bought by the pleasant looking Stradlater. The world is still the same though. The museum is still at the same; everything stays the same there. Everything stays in those little glass cases and never moves. Like those Rich guys still talking about their money and girls and all, and how many miles them car can run in a gallon. When really they look like a bunch of phonies. I’m also the same old me, with crew cut and graying hair in my red hunting hat. But boy, I’ve changed. I don’t dream of being the catcher in the rye no more. “If they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything. If they fall off, they fall off, but it's bad if you say anything to them." I mean, in the end, we all gotta change in some

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