Phobias and Addictions

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Phobias and Addictions kksmartypants Spring, 2012 Behavior is a human condition which is learned through sensory perception and behavior. People who are afflicted with conditions such as phobias and addiction quite often need to be reconditioned to lead balanced lives. Phobias and addictions can have a negative impact on the lives of those who are suffering with them as well as the lives of those around them. Fortunately, there is a solution in therapy. Two types of learning, classical and operant conditioning can be very effective tools in the treatment of phobias and addiction. Human beings can be conditioned to behavior in many ways. Dictating behavior is achieved through operant conditioning. Behavior is changed or encouraged through reinforcement therapy. Classical conditioning entails a response that is evoked through the nervous system. The behavior is connected through one’s sensory perception (the five senses). Classical conditioning involves a learned response which is prompted unconsciously and usually involves some response of the autonomic nervous system (fear, sadness, joy, anxiety, etc.). Classical conditioning is the technique of pairing a controlled stimulus with an uncontrolled stimulus to evoke a response. Pavlov’s dog is a most famous example. Ivan Pavlov used his dog to prove that he could evoke a conditioned response (salivation) as a result of a neutral stimulus (the ringing bell). He demonstrated this theory by ringing a bell before he would present food to his dog. Naturally, the presentation of food makes a dog salivate. Pavlov found that if he presented a neutral

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