Philip Mccaleb Scooter Company

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1) What conditions do you think opened the door of opportunity for Philip McCaleb two companies? Philip McCaleb is very intelligent and extremely passionate about scooters. While there were several key factors that contributed to the success of his two businesses, his passion for scooters was very vital to the success of his two companies because it allowed everything else to follow with cohesiveness. McCaleb also loved riding scooters. When he worked in Europe as a sales manager, he rode one to his job; he found that scooters were cheap, maneuverable and fun. Owning a scooter played a significant role in his success because by riding it to and from work everyday, he got a chance to experience exactly how clients feel. Whilst riding one to work, not only do you get to enjoy the ride, but to examine the product and see what ability it has. How good is the performance? How often does it break down? How long does it last if it is mishandle inappropriately. By doing this he was able to tap into a profitable market and create durable scooters for consumers Nevertheless, scooters save time and money. They are more fuel efficient. SUVs were once a popular vehicle for consumers wanting to make a status symbol and getting around town, but nowadays persons are seeing them as impractical due to soaring gas prices. Hence persons are considering alternative methods for travelling and saving money. Scooters can get 50 to 110 miles per gallon opposed to the 20-60 miles per gallon you could get from a regular motorcycle 20cc-120cc or 15-20 miles per gallon that you would get from the average car. In most cases scooter drivers add their scooters to their existing car insurance and fix and maintain their scooters themselves. While, car owners are pay more insurance fees and require a professional mechanic to fix their vehicles. andScooters also require less insurance, they

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