Persuasive Essay On Deflated Footballs

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So since it has been discovered all we have heard about is that the superstar Patriot quarterback is being accused of being dishonest for using deflated footballs because they are easier to grip and catch in order to win their way to the super bowl. In the article Mike Downey talks about this as well as questioning what about the former New England past catcher who has been charged with cold blooded murder and is about to stand trial for it and let’s not forget about the things that the football team members that have done that are so much worse than this possible infraction. Are we to praise these men for getting to the super bowl or scorn them for getting here by cheating their way to the almighty achievement? The author Mike Downey continues to talk about the amounts of money that several teams and members of teams have been fined over the years for the behaviors that have been deemed unacceptable ranging from 20,000 upwards to 500,000 but that never seems cease the behaviors they just seem to continue on with the hopes of not getting caught. In the end he proclaims why they can’t just play football. TV genuine enthusiasm and what Costas called "calculated displays of obnoxious self-indulgence." sportscaster…show more content…
What will it truly teach them because they continue to do this over and over again? The sports association doesn’t seem to have the moral values that they used to and this will not teach them the values all it will do is tap them on the hand until they do it again. The coach and any other person involved in this will never be brought down with them unless they can prove beyond a shadow of a dought that they were involved in his deceitfulness and he will continue to deny it so who is to say what will happen in the end. What about the other players on the team? Why should everyone suffer because of one dirty player or should they all suffer for the one person who is a

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