Persuasion Theory Essay

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Persuasion Theory Persuasion theory can be defined as a mass communication theory, which mainly focuses on bringing about changes in the receiver’s attitude. This theory was conceived between 1940 -1950 to aid persuasive effectiveness of propaganda in a political or advertising campaign. An advertising campaign focusing on the Persuasive Theory has to be based on individual psychological factors, as researchers believe its success very much depends on the opinion of the receiver taken into consideration. Researchers believe that once that is established, the next step is to focus on audiences and the content of messages (12 manage .com,2013). Shrum I.J. et al (2012) discusses that persuasion theory plays a vital role in advertising, due to constant exposure, some entertaining or simply because of our Malaysian hyper-consumer culture. We briefly explore advertising and the persuasion domain that has influenced the scholarly research. However persuasion theory that is most influential in advertising and consumer behavior like theory of reasoned action, elaboration likelihood model and persuasion knowledge model. The Theory of Research Action developed by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975), taken into consideration attitudes and norms that the target audience considers in prediction the future behavior. The Elaboration of Likelihood Model (ELM) is a form of persuasion that evaluates two methods of persuasion, the central and peripheral, which affects attitude changes through different levels of evaluative processing. The central method takes a lot of effort in processing the attitude that is based on non-argumental cues like mood and attractiveness. As Petty and Wegener (1999) note that attitude change and the credibility of source of message, often produce conflicting effects. Unlike earlier thesis which is social psychology based, the Persuasion Knowledge model
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