Personal Statement: Why I Want To Become A Pediatrician

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Reflecting back on my childhood, I always had a vivid imagination. I would imagine being an oceanographer and a lawyer; too many Sunday’s watching “The Practice” with my mother. But, I never considered a career in social work. As I continued to grow and mature, I developed a desire of helping others, but my thoughts of what I wanted to be were conflicting. The most common choices were teaching, pediatrician or becoming a lawyer. I did my research on each career choice and spoke to individuals’ in each profession. Nevertheless, at that point of my life I thought that becoming a pediatrician was the best career choice for me. For the first two years of college, I was a Biology major. Yet, the subject that ignited my inner flame soon began to wane. The passion I had for becoming a pediatrician was no longer there. While I had the strong analytical and planning skills necessary to enter the medical field, it didn’t seem to be a good fit. I could not see myself being an effective pediatrician if I did not have the desire for the field. Even though, I was helping, I wanted to help in a different way. I wanted to connect to others by empowering them through advocating,…show more content…
The Peacock Foundation and myself desire’s to help in anyway possible; from providing support to interventions. It is our availability to show commitment, consistency and dedication to our work and the youths who we encounter on a day-to-day basis. C.J. learned a valuable lesson when he was suspended from the football team; he found different ways to cope and had someone cheering him on. The Peacock Foundation give kids the opportunity just like C.J. The Peacock kids learn about new animals, life skills and coping mechanisms. Hopefully, C.J. and the kids carry these lessons through teen and adult

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